11.1: Sex Demons or Succubi and Incubi Robert ThompsonOctober 9, 2020sex magic, demon, incubus, succubus, demonology, witch trials
10.3: Faustus and the German Alchemists Robert ThompsonAugust 14, 2020christopher marlowe, dr. faustus, albertus magnus, cornelius agrippa, paracelsus, trithemius, alchemy
10.2: The Legend of Hermes Trismegistus Robert ThompsonJuly 31, 2020hermes trismegistus, alchemy, toth, egyptology, greek mythology
9.12: CIA Mind Control and Satanic Ritual Abuse Robert ThompsonJuly 3, 2020CIA, Cathy OBrien, Mind Control, satanic panic, Cathy O'Brien, conspiracy theory, bill cooper, behold a pale horse
9.11: John Todd and the Illuminati Witch Cult (Part Two) Robert ThompsonJune 19, 2020john todd, illuminati, wicca, satanic panic, conspiracy theory, occult conspiracy
9.10: John Todd and the Illuminati Witch Cult (Part One) Robert ThompsonJune 5, 2020john todd, occult conspiracy, evangelical prejudice, wicca